Add scripting to your application with Vbsedit !



Determines whether diagnostics are supported on this application. If SetSite has been called on the object implementing this interface with a non-NULL value, DiagnosticsSupported returns true. If not, it returns false and calls to IWebAppDiagnosticsSetup::CreateObjectWithSiteAtWebApp fail.


IWebAppDiagnosticsSetup Interface is implemented by PDM v11.0 and greater. Found in activdbg100.

HRESULT DiagnosticsSupported(        [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pRetVal        );


If SetSite has been called on the object implementing this interface with a non-NULL value, DiagnosticsSupported returns true. If not, it returns false, and calls to IWebAppDiagnosticsSetup::CreateObjectWithSiteAtWebApp fail.

Add VBScript and Javascript scripting
to your application with VbsEdit !

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This package includes VbsEdit 32-bit and 64-bit.


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