Add scripting to your application with Vbsedit !



Retrieves a host-defined string that uniquely identifies the current document version. If the related document has changed outside the scope of Windows Script (as in the case of an HTML page being edited with Notepad), the scripting engine can save this along with its persisted state, forcing a recompile the next time the script is loaded.

HRESULT GetDocVersionString(
    BSTR *pbstrVersionString  // address of document version string


[out] Address of the host-defined document version string.

Returns S_OK if successful, or E_NOTIMPL if this method is not supported.

If E_NOTIMPL is returned, the scripting engine should assume that the script is in sync with the document.

Add VBScript and Javascript scripting
to your application with VbsEdit !

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This package includes VbsEdit 32-bit and 64-bit.


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