Add scripting to your application with Vbsedit !



Parses the given code procedure and adds the procedure to the name space.

HRESULT ParseProcedureText(
    LPCOLESTR pstrCode,              // address of procedure text
    LPCOLESTR pstrFormalParams,      // address of formal parameter names
    LPCOLESTR pstrProcedureName,     // address of procedure name
    LPCOLESTR pstrItemName,          // address of item name
    IUnknown *punkContext,           // address of debugging context
    LPCOLESTR pstrDelimiter,         // address of end-of-procedure delimiter
    DWORD_PTR dwSourceContextCookie, // application-defined value for debugging
    ULONG ulStartingLineNumber,      // starting line of the script
    DWORD dwFlags,                   // procedure flags
    IDispatch **ppdisp               // receives IDispatch pointer


[in] Address of the procedure text to evaluate. The interpretation of this string depends on the scripting language.


[in] Address of formal parameter names for the procedure. The parameter names must be separated with the appropriate delimiters for the scripting engine. The names should not be enclosed in parentheses.


[in] Address of procedure name to be parsed.


[in] Address of the item name that gives the context in which the procedure is to be evaluated. If this parameter is NULL, the code is evaluated in the scripting engine's global context.


[in] Address of the context object. This object is reserved for use in a debugging environment, where such a context may be provided by the debugger to represent an active run-time context. If this parameter is NULL, the engine uses pstrItemName to identify the context.


[in] Address of the end-of-procedure delimiter. When pstrCode is parsed from a stream of text, the host typically uses a delimiter, such as two single quotation marks (''), to detect the end of the procedure. This parameter specifies the delimiter that the host used, allowing the scripting engine to provide some conditional primitive preprocessing (for example, replacing a single quotation mark ['] with two single quotation marks for use as a delimiter). Exactly how (and if) the scripting engine makes use of this information depends on the scripting engine. Set this parameter to NULL if the host did not use a delimiter to mark the end of the procedure.


[in] Application-defined value that is used for debugging purposes.


[in] Zero-based value that specifies which line the parsing will begin at.


[in] Flags associated with the procedure. Can be a combination of these values:




Indicates that the code in pstrCode is an expression that represents the return value of the procedure. By default, the code can contain an expression, a list of statements, or anything else allowed in a procedure by the script language.


Indicates that the this pointer is included in the scope of the procedure.


Indicates that the parents of the this pointer are included in the scope of the procedure.


[out] Address of the pointer for the object containing the script's global methods and properties. If the scripting engine does not support such an object, NULL is returned.

Returns one of the following values:

Return Value





An argument was invalid.


An invalid pointer was specified.


This method is not supported. The scripting engine does not support run-time addition of procedures to the name space.


The call was not expected (for example, the scripting engine is in the uninitialized or closed state).


An unspecified syntax error occurred in the procedure.


The scripting engine does not support a dispatch object; the ppdisp parameter is set to NULL.

No script code is evaluated during this call; rather, the procedure is compiled into the script state where it can be called by the script later.

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to your application with VbsEdit !

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This package includes VbsEdit 32-bit and 64-bit.


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